ATIA Wealth Management
Let Us Handle Your CLIENTS
With Confidence
Over 25 Years of Investing & Protecting Wealth
Independent RIA
With the recent death of our founder, we are seeking to buy a book of business and add new advisors. Are you looking to retire, or join a forward thinking firm?
100% Fee Based
Revenue for the firm, is completely fee based. We have 0% Annuities in our current roster. We have a low cost trade platform that empowers our oversight and will be available to you.
Seeking 10-30M
We are seeking a portfolio of 5+ million in funds under management. Seeking a younger client base that will not age out in the next 5 years.
Clear Contract
We built our business on clarity and active trading, now we are looking to add an advisor or their book! You will be negotiating the terms, all up front!
Trading Discretion
ATIA clients are trusting us with full discretion on all trades. While that has added responsiblity, the upside has proven itself over the last 20 years.
Calculated Gains
Designing and presenting the “WHY” of saving and investing is key to unlocking the psychology and motivation for each client. You should have the rich backstory of your clients intentions in a CRM, or be comfortable moving it into ours.
Active Marketing
We reached out to you to get this page in front of you – and we are actively marketing for new clients in Illinois and Florida. If you are looking to join a firm, we can provide leading edge marketing automation services, and content marketing strategies to grow your practice.
We focus on wealth management and preservation through any type of financial instrument that serves our client’s highest good. We remain independent of any corporate interest to preserve the fiduciary responsibility to our clients. A new advisor should have a full toolbox of familiarity with stocks, bonds, insurance, trusts, annuities and their application.
Most firms provide passive solutions that practice the traditional ‘buy and hold’ approach to the market. To work with ATIA you should be comfortable and practicing some type of market segmentation, downside triggers, and other active trading techniques to hedge. We will teach you to leverage AI and other research and analysis tools to best serve our clients.
Formulate A Succession Plan
Do you have a succession plan in place? Without a succession plan in place, your clients will float away in the wind! The most likely result will be your heirs watching the revenue dwindle to zero as clients leave. Work with David to negotiate a transition plan, structured buyout, or join ATIA with a vision to retire on your terms.
Freedom to Negotiate
Flexible Solutions
Impeccable Client Care
Noncompete With WALL ST!
We stay independent of any big bank, one-size fits all template, or buy and hold strategy. Can you think on your feet, and trade like a hedge fund? We don’t claim to be the smartest people in the room, but we follow their trades closely!